Have you checked out our new and improved knowledge base? While we don’t yet have answers for every question you might have just yet (we’re working on it!), we have tried to cover the big stuff that we get asked most frequently. So what can you expect to find on the knowledge base?
- Check out what’s new each term. Does your Blackboard shell look different? Can’t find what you need? You might be able to find the answers to what’s going on here. We’ll post updates each term about any changes, updates, or important info with regard to Blackboard.
- Get started. Those who are new to teaching at COD will find help geared specifically to their needs. There are support materials in the Getting Started section that will teach you how to set up your compute rand do the really basic but really important things like export a course, enter edit mode and upload your syllabus.
- Get help with grading and assessment. These parts of Blackboard can sometimes be confusing. To help make it less so, you’ll find help with topics like inline grading, gradebook setup, creating tests, and clearing test attempts.
- Find out more about Qwickly. Now that Qwickly is a built-in part of Blackboard, we’ve had a lot of questions about what it does and how to use it. This section of the knowledge base answers the bulk of those questions and can help you quickly adapt to using Qwickly (har har).
- Skip to the new stuff. Scroll down on the main knowledge base and you’ll see a list of recent activity on the site. This is an easy way to see what’s new on the knowledge base.
- Chat it up. The knowledge base doesn’t just exist for us to talk at you. You can also talk to us or to each other. Use the built-in community to post questions, work together, or even make suggestions on what you think the knowledge base needs next.
- Submit requests for assistance. Didn’t find help with what you needed help with? Not to worry. You can use the knowledge base to send us a request and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
We’re always here to help, too. Give us a call, email or stop by for help with all your Blackboard and other ed tech-related questions!