Looking to quickly get started with Collaborate Ultra? While it might take some time to become a true pro, these articles from our knowledge base and Blackboard Help can help you learn the basics so you can get up and running quickly. We’ve divided the information up into relevant topics so you can quickly find what you need if you want specific help, or go through step-by-step to get started.

Collaborate Basics

These articles explain the basics of what Collaborate Ultra is and how it works. Check out the video above for a good overview (it covers some of the topics listed in the next section, too).

Running a Collaborate Session

You’ve got your Collaborate room ready to go, now what? These articles cover things that you’ll encounter or need to know while running a Collaborate Ultra session with your students.

Recording Collaborate Sessions

Whether you need to record a Collaborate Ultra session to use as a lecture, for accessibility purposes, because some students can’t attend or any combination of those things, these articles will show you how.

Accessibility in Collaborate

It’s our responsibility to make anything we’re providing online accessible to ALL students who need it. Here are some tips for providing a more accessible experience in Collaborate Ultra.

Questions? Issues with Collaborate? Email us at learningtech@cod.edu.