Tech to Try: Merge Cube

Tech to Try: Merge Cube

If you follow ed tech news, you know that augmented and virtual reality are huge buzzwords these days. But while the tech may look cool, cost and availability often make it something that most classrooms simply can’t support. That doesn’t have to be the...
Tech to Try: Adobe Spark

Tech to Try: Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark launched in May of 2016, so it’s relatively new technology, but if you haven’t heard of it or tried it out yet, you definitely should.  In its first year it was awarded Best App of the Year by Apple (notable, considering the past animosity...
Welcome Back,  How Can We Help You?

Welcome Back, How Can We Help You?

It’s that time again: back-to-school is here! The first few weeks of the semester can be hectic, but if you’re having issues with Blackboard, want help getting your courses set up, need to make some amazing videos, are looking for some advice on which...