by Christine Monnier | Mar 22, 2024 | Christine Monnier, Faculty Focus, Featured, Guest Blogger, Tech to Try
Let’s take a break from Ultra for a second here. We need to talk about Padlet. There is actually A LOT to talk about, when it comes to Padlet, so this is only the first post in a series. And I would also add that now is a great time to join Padlet because their...
by Christine Monnier | Apr 6, 2020 | Blackboard, Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger, Uncategorized, Video, Yuja
And we’re back… sorta. Before we left for Spring Break, we were supposed to come back on April 12. As you all know, we’re now online until the end of the term. So, our 3-week plan turned into a full 5-week + end of the semester plan. In case you...
by Christine Monnier | Mar 23, 2020 | Accessibility, Christine Monnier, Collaborate Ultra, Featured, Guest Blogger, Productivity, Showcase, Tech to Try, Video, Yuja
The good folks in the Learning Technologies office have already blogged about captioning using YouTube. With this post, I want to show you one more awesome thing about Yuja (in addition to adding quizzes in videos, and syncing that with the Blackboard gradebook. Yuja...
by Christine Monnier | Mar 3, 2020 | Accessibility, Christine Monnier, Faculty Focus, Featured, Guest Blogger, Productivity, Showcase, Tech to Try
Obligatory disclaimer: I am not a designer. This is not my field. I’m just a community college prof trying to use best practice to the best of my abilities. In this post, I want to showcase some of the tools that I use the most commonly with respect to design....
by Christine Monnier | Feb 22, 2020 | Blackboard, Christine Monnier, Featured, Guest Blogger, Tech to Try, Video
Why did no one tell me about this??? And by this, I mean H5P, the tech tool to create interactive content. H5P is available in Blackboard, with a ton of options. Because it is such a multifaceted tool though, you should create yourself an account over at so...