by Christina Sabo | Mar 30, 2020 | Featured, Video, Yuja
YuJa is the College’s enterprise media platform. Through YuJa, users can create, edit, upload, share and stream audio and video content. You can use YuJa as a place to store video and audio-based course content (freeing up room on Blackboard) and share links to...
by Christine Monnier | Mar 23, 2020 | Accessibility, Christine Monnier, Collaborate Ultra, Featured, Guest Blogger, Productivity, Showcase, Tech to Try, Video, Yuja
The good folks in the Learning Technologies office have already blogged about captioning using YouTube. With this post, I want to show you one more awesome thing about Yuja (in addition to adding quizzes in videos, and syncing that with the Blackboard gradebook. Yuja...